5384-1- Kuntillet Ajrud Blessing inscription

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5384-1- Kuntillet Ajrud Blessing inscription

5384. Kuntillet Ajrud Blessing inscription. The inscription is in Hebrew language but in phoenician script, black ink on plaster, dating 9-8th C. BC. It reads:
1. …may he prolong days and be satisfied and …
2. (and) Yahweh of Teman will cause things to go well (for him…)

Photograph by Zev Radovan

5384. Kuntillet Ajrud Blessing inscription. The inscription is in Hebrew language but in phoenician script, black ink on plaster, dating 9-8th C. BC. It reads:
1. …may he prolong days and be satisfied and …
2. (and) Yahweh of Teman will cause things to go well (for him…)
